Public Grievance
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Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS ) Mobile App -

URL of CPGRAMS - http://pgportal.gov.in

Features of CPGRAMS - Click Here

The Redressal of Public Grivences Committee of MDL comprises of following officers. They may be contacted directly or else the below form may be used.

Designation Name Office Phone
President Shri R R Kumar, ED (Tech) Direct - 022-23723426
EPABX - 022-23763512
Member Shri A K Chand, GM(HR) Direct - 022-23741383
EPABX - 022-23764121
Member Shri C M Latkar, GM(Tech) Direct - 022-23738157
EPABX - 022-23763030
Member Shri E R Thomas, GM(Tech) Direct - 022-23750725
EPABX - 022-23763201

E-mail : grievance[at]mazdock[dot]com

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