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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR & SD)

MDL has executed several projects as part of its CSR initiatives mainly in sectors of Health, Nutrition & Sanitation, Education, Rural Development, Skill Development and promotion of sports. Substantial contributions were also made by MDL to support the nation's fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, mainly in the aspirational district of Nandurbar and Government hospitals in Mumbai.

The CSR Budget for the FY 2021-22 was Rs.14.13 Cr. In addition to above, a sum of Rs. 1.54 Cr were carried forward from the previous financial year (2020-21). Out of total amount of Rs 15.67 Cr, MDL has spent Rs. 11.11 Cr towards CSR activities during FY 2021-22.

MDL has executed 57 projects as part of its CSR initiatives during FY 2021-22. A sum of Rs. 4.56 Cr remains unspent as several projects/programs could not be accomplished/completed due to delay in the submission of required documents and/or delay in execution of some projects by the implementing agencies.

The CSR Budget for the FY 2022-23 is Rs.13.92 Cr. In addition to above, a sum of Rs. 4.56 Cr were carried forward from the previous financial year (2021-22). Out of total amount of Rs 18.48 Cr, MDL has planned to spent Rs. 11.11 Cr towards annual theme of Health & Nutrition (63%), Rs. 2.94 Cr towards Skill Development (16%), Rs 1.08 Cr towards Education (6%), Rs. 1.06 Cr towards Rural Development (6%) and Rs. 1.74 Cr towards other sectors which include welfare of war widows, promotion of sports, research etc. (9%)

pdf FileCSR Policy of MDL w.e.f. 07 August 2023

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pdf FileComposition of CSR Board Committee

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CSR Impact Report

Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs