CVO/MDL acts as an extended arm of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) in all vigilance related matters pertaining to Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd. (MDL). The Vigilance Division of MDL is mandated under the Vigilance Manual of CVC to enquire or cause an enquiry into complaints against officials of MDL wherein allegations of corruption are involved.
Vigilance complaints are those complaints in which vigilance angle is obvious in the following acts:
(a) Demanding and/or accepting gratification other than legal remuneration in respect of an official act or for using his/her influence with any other official.
(b) Obtaining valuable thing, without consideration or with inadequate consideration from a person with whom he/she has or is likely to have official dealings or his/her subordinates have official dealings or where he can exert influence.
(c) Obtaining for self or for any other person any valuable thing or pecuniary advantage by corrupt or illegal means or by abusing his/her position as a public servant.
(d) Possession of assets disproportionate to his/her known sources of income.
(e) Cases of misappropriation, forgery or cheating or other similar criminal offences.
Briefly, the procedure for lodging vigilance complaints in MDL is given below:
1) Vigilance complaints pertaining to Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd. (MDL) can be lodged with Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) of MDL by any employee of MDL/person(s)/vendor/contractor etc., who has/had dealings with any of the offices of MDL or general public. Vigilance complaints pertaining to MDL should be lodged to the CVO/MDL at the following address:
Chief Vigilance Officer,
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd. (MDL).
West Block, 1st Floor,
Vigilance Department,
Dockyard Road,
Mumbai 400010.
E mail ID :cvo[at]mazdock[dot]com
Fax : 2377 8319
Tel No. : +91-22-2372-6082
2) Complaints can be lodged by addressing the letter/email directly to the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) of MDL by giving the specific facts of the matter relating to corruption along with name and personal details, complete postal address (mobile/telephone number, if any), email id and copy of identity proof of the complainant. The complaints can also be lodged directly on MDL’s website under “Vigilance“ tab along with name and personal details, complete postal address (mobile/telephone number, if any), email id and copy of identity and address proof of the complainant. Complaint should be signed by the complainant. The genuineness of complainant will be verified by sending a registered letter to the complainant at his/her postal address.
3) Complaint should be genuine and specific with adequate evidence and should be based on verifiable facts and it should be clearly legible. A complaint should preferably be lodged in typed or written form in English or Hindi language for facilitating early action thereon. No fee shall be chargeable for lodging complaints.
4) Normally one specific issue should be raised in one complaint. However, if more than one specific issues are there, it is better to raise the same in separate complaint.
5) Complaint should not be malicious, vexatious, frivolous, pseudonymous, anonymous, biased or based on any personal grievances. Such complaints will not be acted upon in the Vigilance Division and will be filed as per existing directives of CVC. Complainant should lodge complaints only regarding issues having vigilance angle and complaint should not be part of any litigation in any courts, tribunals, etc., i.e. the matter should not be sub-judice.
6) Complaints received through email would be downloaded and printed and taken up for further action as above. The genuineness of complainant will be verified by sending a registered letter to the complainant at his/her postal address (please refer Para 2 above).
7) After owning up the complaint by the complainant, the investigation will be carried out and based on the findings in the investigation, the action will be initiated as per existing guidelines.
8) The complaints not falling under the jurisdiction of CVO/MDL and the complaints related to administration or sexual harassment will be forwarded to respective designated authority as applicable, for necessary action.
9) Complainants who want to keep their identity confidential should file complaint as a
“Whistle-Blower” under the provision of “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of
Informers (PIDPI) Resolution-2004”. Complainants should familiarize themselves with the
proper procedure of “PIDPI Resolution” regarding how to lodge a complaint to designated
agency and related details as mentioned in the
"Chapter-VI" of Central Vigilance Commission’s Comprehensive guidelines
on Complaint Handling Mechanism dated 24.12.2021. (Format :PDF, Language: English, Size: 2.8 MB)
As per the provisions of “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers Resolution” dated 21.04.2004, Government of India has declared the Central Vigilance Commission as the “Designated Agency” to receive written complaints from Whistle Blowers for disclosure on any allegations of corruption or misuse of office and recommend appropriate action.
The Chief Vigilance Officer of Ministry of Defense is also a “Designated Authority” to receive written complaint or disclosure on any allegation of corruption or misuse of office by any employee of Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd. under Ministry Defense.
If any employee of MDL wants to lodge the complaints about any unethical and improper
practices or any wrongful conduct in MDL and wants to keep his/her identity confidential,
the same may be done under the provision of Whistle Blower Policy of MDL. (Format: PDF, Language: English, Size: 256 KB)
Vigilance Division of MDL will follow Central Vigilance Commission’s “Comprehensive guidelines on Complaint Handling Mechanism“ dated 24.12.2021 in handling of received complaints. (Format: PDF, Language: English, Size: 9.4 MB)