Improvement related to Un-occupancy of MDL Flats
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2.0 Brief Introduction:

Vigilance Dept. conducted a Surprise/Spot Check on the status of the unoccupied MDL flats in MDL colony/RCF/VASHI/BELAPUR.

2.1 Background:

As a part of preventive vigilance function, a Spot Check of status of flats which remained unoccupied for more than 6 months was carried out. After collecting data from Estate Dept. it was observed that 19 flats were unoccupied because of pending minor repair work, roster was dry, BRC for repair work expired and not renewed on time, lack of co-ordination, possession of allotted flats not taken by the allottee on time etc.

After investigation minor lapses were observed on behalf of Executives due to the lack of inter departmental co-ordination and proper communication. Handing over documents were not properly maintained. Separate files/registers for unoccupied flats were not maintained. Proper area wise manpower deployment was not indicated in the BRC, due to which sub-contractor may deploy manpower based on the site condition which hampers readiness of flats with stipulated completion schedule. Lot of time was wasted during repair work because site was not fully handed over to sub-contractors. In many places it was observed that work was hampered due to covid-19 pandemic and which led to delay in handing over of the flats to prospective occupants. Due to the un-occupancy, MDL has incurred heavy revenue loss.

2.2 Implementation:

As a systemic improvement, following is suggested and the same was implemented by issuing necessary directives from the competent authority.

(a) If any flat is allotted to an executive and if he is not willing to occupy the same within the prescribed period, then allotment should be cancelled by Quartering Committee under intimation to him. This will reduce the unoccupied period drastically.

(b) As per allotment procedure, total time required for allotment to a new executive is 1.5 months. Quartering Committee may review the lead time for allotment.

(c) Proactive action needs to be made in undertaking work towards readiness of flat for allotment to ensure that flats are ready for allocation within one –month time in case of the requirement of re-paining the flat. In case of any additional work, in consultation with TS dept., the minimum inescapable time frame has to be initiated to Quartering Committee.

(d) Estate Dept. in their PR/notification to TS Dept. should clearly indicate the time schedule to complete the repair.

(e) While handing over any flat for repair, Estate Dept. should ensure that the said flat is in fully vacated condition.

(f) Estate Dept. to ensure easy access (on as required basis) to information / documentation of unoccupied flats.

(g) Estate Dept. should maintain a separate register against unoccupied flats and information regarding, handing over, taking over, major/minor repair work carried out in each flat and correspondence with other Dept. should be maintained in it. This would enable identification of reasons / hindrances during repair & minimize long un-occupancy period.

(h) Simultaneously, a suitable IT application be developed for allotment of quarters, which will help eliminate need for maintaining large volume of records/registers in off line mode and also enable ensuring transparency in the quarter.

(i) During work allotment to contractor, dealing Executive of TS should finalise time frame for work completion and the same should be mentioned in work allotment memo/mail to the contractor.

(j) PRs for BRC contracts should specifically indicate Minimum Deployment of work force to carry out any repair work.

(k) TS Dept. should maintain hindrance register for BRC contracts, where high value work is involved.

(l) TS Dept. should maintain proper data of correspondence w.r.t taking over & handing over of all the flats from Estate Section along with proper written communication.

(m) Currie house flats remain unoccupied, in the absence of GMs in the allotment roster. The quartering committee should allot the same to the senior most AGMs, if no GMs are available for allotment. This will help in reducing the loss of revenue due to non-occupancy.

2.3 Impact and Benefits:

With the implementation of the above mentioned Systemic improvement, the possibility of un-occupancy of flats due to various reasons may be avoided and allotment system becomes easier and more transparent and it also reduce the revenue loss to MDL.


Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs