Information Manual

Information under RTI Act 2005
Programmes to advance understanding of RTI (Section 26)(Size :235 KB, Language :English)
Directory of its officers and employees(Size :372 KB, Language :English)
Monthly remuneration(Size :521 KB, Language :English)
Manner of execution of subsidy programmers(Size :450 KB, Language :English)
Disciplinary Action Proposed/Taken(Size :92.2 KB, Language :English)
Form A - RTI Application for Information(Size :116 KB, Language :English)
Form B - RTI Application for Inspection of Records(Size :117 KB, Language :English)
Form C - RTI Appeal(Size :117 KB, Language :English)
RTI Manual / Handbook(Size :43.2 KB, Language :English)
Language and updation of RTI Manual or Handbook(Size :244 KB, Language :English)
FAQ MDL(Size :143 KB, Language :English)
Particulars of organization, functions and duties(Size :831 KB, Language :English)
Powers & duties of its officers and employees(Size :194 KB, Language :English)
Procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability(Size :626 KB, Language :English)
Norms set by it for the discharge of its functions(Size :187 KB, Language :English)
Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions(Size :456 KB, Language :English)
Transfer Policy and transfer Order(Size :641 KB, Language :English)
Statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control(Size :156 KB, Language :English)
Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation(Size :271 KB, Language :English)
Statement of the boards(Size :348 KB, Language :English)
Budget allocated to each of its agencies(Size :443 KB, Language :English)
Foreign and Domestic Tours(Size :852 KB, Language :English)
Foreign and Domestic Tours 2024(Size :375 KB, Language :English)
Details of domestic tours by officials(Size :852 KB, Language :English)
Particulars of recipients of concessions(Size :621 KB, Language :English)
Details in respect of the information held in electronic form(Size :672 KB, Language :English)
Particulars of facilities available to citizens(Size :447 KB, Language :English)
Names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers(Size :141 KB, Language :English)
Other information(Size :338 KB, Language :English)
Right To information Act, 2005(Size :1,089 KB, Language :English)
CAG and PAC Paras(Size :555 KB, Language :English)
STQC Certificate(Size :271 KB, Language :English)
Parliamentary Questions(Size :645 KB, Language :English)
Previous Third Party Audit(Size :599 KB, Language :English)
Consultative committee on Proactive Disclosure(Size :1.07 MB, Language :English)