Vigilance Awareness Week
 Vigilance Awareness Week
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Vigilance Awareness Week - 2021

    As per the guidelines of CVC, the ‘Vigilance Awareness Week – 2021’ (VAW-2021) was observed in MDL from 26th October, 2021 to 1st November, 2021 with the theme of “Independent India @ 75: Integrity to Self-Reliance” as per the guidelines of CVC.

    Commencement of Observance of VAW – 2021 with the Integrity Pledge on 26.10.2021 (Tuesday) at 16:00 p.m. which was led by the CMD, MDL and attended by all Functional Directors, CVO, EDs and GMs/HODs during the Inaugural function.

    The following activities were carried out by MDL Vigilance Team on the occasion of VAW – 2021 :

    SUCHARITA – 2021, Vol. XXIV (Format: PDF, Size: 39.8 MB, Language: English)

    • Administering Integrity Pledge by Senior Most Executive in each Dept.
    • Release of digital version of MDL’s In-house Vigilance Journal “Sucharita (Vol. XXIV)” during the Inaugural function of VAW-2021.
      The link to view SUCHARITA-2021 is given below.
    • Wide publicity of the observance of VAW-2021 among all employees and their family members.
    • An audio-visual clip related to awareness of Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informer Resolution, 2004 (PIDPI).
    • All the visitors of MDL were encouraged to take e-Integrity Pledge at MDL Reception. 85 visitors to MDL took the e-pledge at MDL reception.
    • Display of Banners, Posters and the contact details of CMD/MDL, CVO, CVC and CBI at prominent locations of MDL Yard, Sewri Stores, Anik Chembur Stores & Nhawa yard.
    • A special drive was undertaken to spread awareness of the “Complaints under PIDPI (Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers), special provisions under the PIDPI and other related information. The two posters of PIDPI forwarded by CVC in this regard were prepared and displayed together at the prominent locations of all the offices/shops/stores/yards of MDL in three languages (Marathi, Hindi and English) as per the guide lines of CVC.
    • Workshop / Sensitisation program related to Vigilance Awareness, Preventive & Participative Vigilance for MDL Executives and Students of Apprentice Training School of MDL, CISF personnel in MDL and non-executives, adhering to COVID-19 prevention guidelines.
    • A talk on “Integrity to Self-Reliance” by an eminent speaker Shri. Raghu Nandan Prasad, IRSS (Retd.) was organised on 27th October 2021 which was attended by CMD, CVO, Functional Directors and the executives of MDL.
    • Essay writing, Slogan and Poster Competition (in Hindi, Marathi and English languages) amongst the employees and their family members, on the theme of VAW-2021 and related topics.
    • A skit on the theme of VAW-2021, prepared by ‘Mazagon Dock Sports Club’ of MDL with the students of Apprentice Training School of MDL was performed during the Inaugural function of VAW-2021 as well as during VAW-2021 at prominent places in MDL.
    • Vendor’s meet (online) was organised on 01.11.2021 in which 32 vendors participated.
    • An interactive session of CVO with MDL executives was conducted for preventive and participative vigilance.
    • A scrolling text line and the poster of PIDPI is also placed on the official website of MDL for spreading the awareness about PIDPI among the visitors of the website.
    • All guidelines related to prevention of COVID-19 and economy measures circulated by Ministry of Finance vide DoE OM no. 7(2)E Coord/2020 dated 04.09.2020 were strictly adhered to at all locations/event during observance of VAW 2021.
Vigilance Awareness Week – 2020

    As per the guidelines of CVC, the ‘Vigilance Awareness Week – 2020’ (VAW-2020) was observed in MDL from 27 th October, 2020 to 2 nd November, 2020 with the theme of “Vigilant India, Prosperous India” as per the guidelines of CVC.

    The intent behind observance of VAW is to sensitize all stakeholders and the public at large on the impacts of corruption and its consequences in our society. No law can be put into effect unless it is understood, assimilated and complied with by the people.

    Commencement of Observance of VAW – 2020 with the Integrity Pledge on 27.10.2020 (Tuesday) at 11:00 a.m. which was led by the CMD, MDL and attended by all Functional Directors, CVO, EDs and GMs during the Inaugural function.

    The following activities were carried out by MDL Vigilance team within as well as outside MDL on the occasion of VAW 2020.

    • Administering Integrity Pledge by senior most Executive in each dept.
    • Promoting concept of e-Integrity pledge among all employees and their families, suppliers and sub-contractors.
    • Display of Banners and Posters at prominent locations of MDL Yard, Sewri Stores, Anik Chembur Stores & Nhava yard.
    • Workshop / Sensitisation program related to Vigilance Awareness, Preventive & Participative Vigilance for MDL Executives and Students of Apprentice Training School of MDL, CISF personnel in MDL and non-executives, adhering to COVID-19 prevention guidelines.
    • CVO’s interactive session with GM and above including CMD & Functional Directors on preventive & participative vigilance.
    • Hands on training on GeM by External Resource to all commercial executives.
    • An online Sensitisation program related to Vigilance awareness, Preventive & Participative Vigilance for the commercial executives of GSL through Google Meet.
    • Essay writing, Slogan and Poster Competition (in Hindi, Marathi and English languages) amongst the employees and their family members, on the theme of VAW-2020 and related topics.
    • An online quiz competition during VAW-2020 through MDL’s intranet portal for Executives as well as non-executives.
    • Extensive use of ‘Bulk SMS’ in Hindi, Marathi and English to spread awareness about Vigilance.
    • An interactive session of CVO with MDL executives for preventive and participative vigilance.
    • A Sensitisation program related to ‘Vigilance Aspects in Commercial Procedures’ for the commercial executives of RCF at RCF, Mumbai, maintaining safe social distancing and taking all required precautionary measures for COVID-19.
    • An online vendor’s meet in which 35 vendors participated.
    • The vigilance page of MDL website was redesigned to make it more informative, aesthetic and to make available avenues for redressal of grievances.
    • Display of Systemic Improvements and good practices adopted in purchase and other functions of MDL on its website as a measure of Preventive Vigilance.
    • The other internal housekeeping activities were also taken up in campaign mode as part of VAW-2020.
    • All guidelines related to prevention of COVID-19 and economy measures circulated by Ministry of Finance vide DoE OM no. 7(2)E Coord/2020 dated 04.09.2020 were strictly adhered to at all locations/event during observance of VAW 2020.

    Apart from the various activities as listed above, MDL Vigilance Department publishes in-house journal - ‘SUCHARITA’ – every year on the occasion of ‘Vigilance Awareness Week’.

    The 23 rd edition of ‘SUCHARITA’ in digital version was released during the Inaugural function of VAW-2020.

    The objective of ‘SUCHARITA’ is to enhance the awareness of its readers on Integrity, Transparency and Accountability by stimulating their thoughts. The link to view SUCHARITA-2020 is given below.

    SUCHARITA – 2020, Vol. XXIII (Format: PDF, Size: 46.1 MB, Language: English)

Vigilance Awareness Week – 2019

    As per the guidelines of CVC, the ‘Vigilance Awareness Week (VAW) - 2019’ was observed in MDL from 28th October, 2019 to 2nd November, 2019.

    The theme chosen by the Commission for VAW-2019 is “Integrity – A Way of life” which is apt in the prevailing scenario.

    The intent behind observance of VAW is to sensitize all stakeholders and the public at large on the impacts of corruption and its consequences in our society. No law can be put into effect unless it is understood, assimilated and complied with by the people.

    The following activities were carried out by MDL Vigilance team within as well as outside MDL on the occasion of VAW 2019.

    • Debate competition at St. Mary School, Mazagaon, Mumbai.
    • Elocution Competition at Sir J.J. Hospital, Mumbai
    • Essay Competition at Sir Sasoon Jacob High School, Mumbai
    • Skit Competition at ZP School, KhardeVillege, Shahpur, Thane.
    • Elocution Competition at ITI Shahpur, Thane
    • Essay, Slogan, Poster and Online Quiz Competition in MDL.
    • Street Play in MDL.
    • Sensitising program on Vigilance for CISF in MDL.
    • Sensitising program on Vigilance at Apprentice Training School in MDL.
    • Gramsabha at KhardeVillege, Shahpur, Thane.
    • Address by an eminent speaker on “Conscious Decision Making – the Executive Salvation” by Shri Raghu Nandan Prasad, IRSS (Retd.), to MDL Executives.
    • Interactive Session between CVO and MDL Executives at MDL.

    Apart from the various activities as listed above, MDL Vigilance Department publishes in-house journal - ‘SUCHARITA’ – every year on the occasion of ‘Vigilance Awareness Week’. The 22nd edition of ‘SUCHARITA’ has been published during VAW 2019.

    The objective of ‘SUCHARITA’ is to enhance the awareness of its readers on Integrity, Transparency and Accountability by stimulating their thoughts. The link to view SUCHARITA-2019 is given below.

    SUCHARITA-2019. Vol XXII (Format: PDF, Size: 45.6 MB, Language: English)

Page last updated date: 15/01/2025 15:25 Hrs